Golwala College

College is Re - accredited (2nd Cycle) with “B++” Grade by NAAC . Gujarati Linguistic Minority Institute . College notified under section 2 (f) & 12 (B) of the UGC Act 1956

Degree Verification

Education check is an easy and cost effective way to determine the validity and accuracy of an applicant’s educational history. Education check includes the degree received, dates of attendance, graduation date, and any special recognition or awards. Frequently, information supplied by the applicant is either false or inflated. Having false information, one can make an incorrect decision for the business.

In this check the educational claims made by an applicant are verified. This part of the education verification process includes verification of the school or universities attended, the period of the academics as mentioned by the applicant, and degrees (Bachelor’s or Master’s) earned. Companies in India typically check a candidate’s educational background by requesting copies of their educational certificates and verifying them with the issuing institution. They may also contact the institution to confirm the candidate’s enrollment and graduation dates.

The University Grants Commission (UGC), one of the statutory organizations, is a key player in maintaining the quality of education across Indian institutions. From this academic year, it will be mandatory for all students to open an Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) account to get admission in universities across the country. ABC ID mandatory for university admission from 2023, says UGC chairman. As mandated in NEP 2020, the initiative is meant to facilitate credit transfer of students, allowing them to move across streams and higher education institutions with ease.The ABC will be critical in the implementation of UGC’s other provisions like dual degree, joint degree, and twinning programmes.

Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) is a virtual/digital storehouse that contains the information of the credits earned by individual students throughout their learning journey. It will enable students to open their accounts and give multiple options for entering and leaving colleges or universities. There will be “multiple exits” & “multiple entries” points during the higher education tenure & credits will be
transferred through the ABC seamlessly

Students are hereby instructed to visit https://www.abc.gov.in/

National Academic Depository
The vision of National Academic Depository (NAD) is born out of an initiative to provide an online store house of all academic awards. National Academic Depository (NAD) is a 24X7 online store house of all academic awards viz. certificates, diplomas, degrees, mark-sheets etc. duly digitised and lodged by academic institutions / boards / eligibility assessment bodies. NAD not only ensures easy access to and retrieval of an academic award but also validates and guarantees its authenticity and safe storage.

Those who are entering into employment or pursuing higher studies require a credible, authentic and convenient mechanism for access, retrieval and validation of such academic awards. Retrieval of old academic records maintained in paper form is cumbersome. Academic records maintained in paper form are susceptible to hazards such as spoilage and forgery. Students often face difficulties in obtaining copies of their certificates/mark-sheets whenever they are lost or destroyed. Maintaining academic awards in a digital depository would enable educational institutions, students and employers online access/retrieval/verification of digitised academic awards and shall eliminate fraudulent practices such as forging of certificates and mark-sheets.
Students are hereby instructed to visit  https://nad.gov.in/

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